Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Heidi Takes a Stand!

Jem: Okay, I am not a Heidi fan. I don't think it's cool that she picked her boyfriend over her Best best. I also think she has an EXTREMELY annoying speaking voice akin to nails on a chalkboard.
But last night's episode of The Hills made me want to hug Heidi and take her out for cosmos. She finally stood up for herself by painting over that slightly-cool-but-highly-innappropriate Hollywood mural that Spencer "surprised" her with.
You should have seen the look on Spencer's face when he walked in. I love the way she made her point to him. "We can decide what to do with this wall together."
He was pissed. But she was completely right. They're living together and are going to get married. (Rumour alert: the engagement is fake!) Spencer has to learn to talk to Heidi about stuff before just jumping in headfirst.
Anyway, she made momma proud last night.
Check out her not-so-terrible single below:

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Invasion

Jem: Ok, I really like Nicole Kidman's hair here. It's a really pretty champagne blonde and the cut and length are nice...I'm thinking I'll bring this pic to my hair guru, Natalie the next time I get my hair done.
side note: Gidge, my hair is almost this length already...can you believe it? It grows so GD fast in the summer!
Anywho, what I don't like is her simpering face in this picture. Although it makes it more believable that she's in a movie about alien body-snatchers...
She looks snatched.

Gidget: I like the cut, but not the colour. It is too much bland colour for someone so pale. The cut is super cute though!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Music for Sunday

gidget: i am in a cafe and the song is playing at this moment. There is a boy singing alone to it in the cafe. perfect. Sure it is a super cheesy song, but i like it!
Jem: Aww. Gidget, you love Robbie. Well, Europe is the right place for you! They love Robbie a billion times more over there! This song is super good! I love it!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Sometimes, the Universe Throws You a Bone!

Jem: Oh, Beyonce! Thank you for falling on your face. Even if it was just this once. Love, Jem!

gidget: This is amazing!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Happy Blog-iversary!!!!

Jem: Wow! I can't believe that this blog is almost 14 months old! I can't believe we've been blogging for over a year...where has the time gone?

Happy belated Birthday Keira Knightley Ate My Baby!
Cute blogs are cute!

gidget: Oh man! no way! that is awesome. go us!