Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Oscar Fashion
gidget: Oh wait, i have nothing to say about it. Boring dresses. Muted colors. Way too many single strap dresses. The past couple of years people have been playing it too safe when it comes to Oscar fashions. Very boring. The Oscars themselves were not too thrilling either. Although, the musical number by Will, Jack, and John was brilliant. Highlight of the evening for sure. Gossip is circulating that when Eddie Murphy lost to Alan Alder he left the oscars. Yeah, he didn't even stay to see his co-stars sing their boring musical numbers, or Jennifer Hudson win her Oscar. Dude, Arkin is way older than you and they had to give it to him before he died. Well...i guess they really should have given it to Peter O'toole then 'cause i pretty sure he rose from the dead just to be at the ceremony. Either way, don't be such a baby a**hole.
The Independent Spirit Awards also happened this past weekend. No surprises there, Little Miss Sunshine cleaned up. Ok, since the independent spirit awards are suppose to celebrate independent film, experimentation, pushing boundaries blah blah blah, they really are boring. It's never a surprise who gets nominated or wins at them. Highlight of the ISA may well be how cute Michelle Williams looked. Great new Mia Farrow haircut and dress to match. Now i am no fan of ms.williams. Didn't like Dawsons Creek, but did love the movie Dick. Never really thought Ms.Williams had great fashion sense or anything. You know, basically forgot she existed. Anyway, she looked amazing. I just love the haircut on her, and her make-up looks amazing. And the award for best look from last weekend goes to Michelle Williams. Too bad Heath looks horrible. then again not all celebrity couples can be like Will and Jada. Man, those two always look great together.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Boy of the Month
gidget: i have a mad crush on gerard way of My Chemical Romance. How can I not? He is so very dramatic when he performs. The Black parade is so theatrical, and I love musicals, so ofcourse i fell in love with the album. Also, the album features a cameo by Liza Minnelli. Obviously Gerard has an appreciation for the history of musicals. Plus, he has the cutest nose i have ever seen. Yeah that's right, his nose is adorable. He also has crazy cute eyes. Hehehe....i sound like Bop magazine. It's funny 'cause he reminds me of the sort of boy i would have been crushing on when i was 15. I guess my taste hasn't changed as much as I thought it had. It's all good though 'cause Gerard is older than me. Do you want to know a couple of other reasons why gerard is one of my celebrity bf's? Well, in all the interviews i have seen and read he is fairly humble about his fame. He is also very sweet and respectful to his fans. Okay, i know, that is during interviews, but still most "rock stars" are jerks during interviews and act like giant prima donnas. Also, tons of people say he is rather shy off stage, and just full of energy when he performs. I have always had a weakness for boys who are shy face to face, but are crazy dramatic on stage. And yes, i did like his long hair better, but i still think he is cute with short hair. i am just a sucker for long hair, something else i guess i have not grown out of since high school. Plus, everyone needs to change their hair from time to time. i also looovvvee how he cut and dyed his hair to get into charcter for the album. what a drama geek. How sweet does he look to the left on the set of the Ghost Of You video?
So, i got tickets for jem and i to see MCR in may. Woot woot. i am very excited. i really love their new album, and i love shows that are full of energy, and the audience can not help but sing along. i am predicting a very fun trip for jem and i (yeah, that's right, jem and i are going on a mini roadtrip to see them. roadtrips are awesome, so it will be super duper fun). i am so excited about it that i composed a whole post about how great i think gerard is. i am such a geek. But at least i am not one of those people who claims to hate mcr, but secretly loves them. They just think they are too cool to like mcr. sorry hipsters, you can not be too cool for mcr, that's just ridonckulous. Helena is only one the best videos ever. how can you be cooler than that?!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Post-partum blues?

Jem: Poor Britney. It seems she's the most recent on the very long list of starlets who've checked themselves into rehab. I'm sure her mom had something to do with that. I've been talking to Gidget for a little while pondering whether or not Britney and her mom were talking. Her mom always seemed to be a good manager. Well, except for the whole I'm-portraying-my-fifteen-year-old-as-a-skank thing. Then again, that was when Britney was at her most successful.

You know, she's been doing all this wacky shit for so long, and I never even considered that she was on something. I just sort of figured that she had a few screws loose.

Some people feel that her shaving her head was an act of self-mutilation. Others feel that she's suffering from post-partum depression.

I hope she finds the help she needs.

gidget: too bad she has already left the rehab facility she checked herself into.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Wiggin' out
gidget: i didn't take britney long to regret her hair decision. Too bad she couldn't find a nicer wig. I am a little disappointed. I was looking forward to britney showing off her bald head with pride. You know, a real f*** you to the whole beauty myth. i like the string of pearls, keeping it classy.
Jem: Ha ha ha...I can keep silent on this no longer!!! I just don't understand Britney's behaviour. Especially since she'll be going to court over custody of her kids pretty soon. Maybe it's because I live in the real world that I don't think clubbin' it up without panties makes you a fit mother.
As for the whole shaving her head debaucle, it proves a few things:
1) Britney is still desperate for attention (which, she is getting but none of it is positive);
2) Her hotness was due to the fact that she had long, blonde hair (a favourite amongst the boys); and,
3) She's an emotional wreck!!!
It is too bad that she can't just embrace her decisions (good or bad) . It shows that she really has very little self-esteem. I wonder if she's wearing that wig because her moms totally bawled her out. I heard that she said to the hairdresser who refused to shave her head that her mom was going to be upset. I heard an interview with that hairdresser; it was pretty good. She said that she made sure that Brit's bodyguards knew that she was NOT responsible for shaving Britney's head. Like, what would they do to her? Break her thumbs?
gidget: I still wish she would have worn her bald head with pride.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Bald like an eagle, baby
gidget: what is there to say? i mean, i don't really care about Britney or what she does, but this is an interesting grab for attention. Reportedly, britney went to a salon to get her hair shaved. The stylist refused thinking Britney would regret the decision. Britney then took the shaver and did the deed her self. She followed her day at the salon with a visit to a tattoo parlor to get inked. Now the tattoo artist is claiming that Britney was rather emotional during the tattoo, wiggling and making it difficult to tattoo her. Well, that could just be 'cause getting a tattoo can hurt. But the hair, the hair.
Many of us have thought about shaving our heads, and there is nothing wrong with it. Bald is beautiful just like hair is beautiful. You know, individual beauty and all that jazz. But it just seems britney does things without thinking about them (hello, marriage in Vegas) like a teenager. The stunt reminds me of something a 16/17 year old would do. Then again, maybe she watched V for Vendetta and was really inspired By Natalie Portman. Or, maybe she just watch Empire Records, or was listening to Sinead O'Connor. See beautiful bald women are everywhere. I wonder what er tattoo's are of. Perhaps more fairies. Oh, such a classic design.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Sharon Stone is crazy

gidget: Ummm..she is really odd. She makes me uncomfortable. I am afraid she is going to call balls out mad one day. Like, start attacking people or something. Just yesterday someone was telling me how much they admire Sharon Stone because she is so intelligent. Ummm, ok, good luck with that admiration.There is also footage of her calling Richard Gere an a**hole while he is playing piano at the end of the auction. Oh yeah, and this auction is for peace y'all.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Two Posts in one day, scandalous

gidget: in line at grocery store and saw this cover staring at me between Soap Opera Weekly and US weekly. just had to share the loveliness!

This is not about Justin!
gidget: I have been thinking about the grammys, and that competition to sing with Justin Timberlake. I have to say that it is a crazy cool idea. But, here are the problems with it...or, better yet, how it could have been better: 1. The contest should have only been for Justin fans. Like, people who are in his fanclub. Come on, no one deserves to sing with Justin more than a real fan. 2. No American Idol wannabes. We already have American Idol, why does there have to be a grammy edition? Wait, aren't the grammys already american idolified? Freakin' Carrie Undewood was on. Enough said. 3. This ties in with two, look for people who have unique, interesting voices. talent that American Idol would pass on. Still, props to the girl that won. It must have been incredible for her. And props to the other two losers. Not that i think they are losers, but you can only have one number 1. two would make 11. You can check the gammy performance here

T.I. looks amazing!

In other news, Robbie Williams has entered rehab for dependency on prescription drugs. Poor robbie. i hope he feels better soon. He has been battling depression for some time, and has openly discussed it on the BBC. it makes me sad that robbie is sad, he seems like a sweetheart deep down. that's not really based on anyhing, i just like to think that he is a sweetheart.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

It will be mine. Oh, it will be mine.
gidget: sweet baby jeebus. M by Madonna for H&M is going to make me flat broke. Broke i tells ya. I must have this dress! I just must. I am in love.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Brilliant! Bloody Brilliant!
gidget: this is so hilarious. Verizon and Rolling Stone threw some sort of bash for JT in L.A. I suppose it was a preGrammy shindig. Boring right? Oh no, someone let Kevin Federline into the party. And it gets better, K Fed went up to Justin on the Red Carpet and gave him a hug. I am sure it was to congratulate Justin on his successes and such. Props to Kevin for not only going to the party, but forcing Justin to give him a manhug on the red carpet. Brilliant.
Look at Justin's face. Hehehe..it gets better....
go kevin and Jt, sharing the love.
major props to the photographer who captured these amazing moments on the red carpet.
source of photos: www.getty-images.com

This would seem to be enough humour for one day, but it gets better. The Directors Cut of JT's new vid with ScarJo. OMG! It is horrid. Just horrid. So cheesy, but trying desperatly to be serious. Justin, you can not act. you just can't. Also shows off the amazing lack of acting talent scarjo has. I can see why he cast her, if he had someone opposite him that could act it would be too obvious as to how pathetic the whole attempt at 'art' the video is. It's so bad. watch for yourself. You know, he had it right with Cry Me A River, and it just has never been as good since.

p.s. remind me to stop posting so much about Justin. it' s slightly ridiculous on my part.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Rest In Peace Anna Nicole Smith!
gidget: i have to admit that when i heard the news about Anna Nicole's passing yesterday it made me sad. Poor Anna, the last couple of months seemed to have been so hard for her.
rest in peace anna nicole.
Jem: I feel the same way, Gidget. I mean, her son just died right after having another baby. And then, all these guys were claiming to be the father. She was struggling with court battles and bad press. I think ANS probably had a really sad, sad life.
Now there's probably going to be a huge battle over who gets all her money.
I can't believe how much CNN is covering it. Get a life CNN, you smell!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

gidget: So, JT is a busy boy. As everyone on earth knows, JT and Jessica B. were said to have hooked up at The Sundance Festival. Some gossipers are now claiming that JT is juggling Jessica B. and Alyssia 'who's the boss' Milano. Now it is being speculated that he is still spending time with Scar Jo. Now, this just might be imagination running wild, or JT is loving the single life. Makes you wonder if JT did cheat on Cameron and that is why they broke up. Having recently seen JT in concert I can honestly say maybe the boy should be spending more time on putting on a great show as oppposed to a "meh, it was good i guess" show. Yeah, that's right, you ain't king of nothing JT. Oh, and if you would stop acting (in films that is) that would be great!