Heidi Takes a Stand!

Jem: Okay, I am not a Heidi fan. I don't think it's cool that she picked her boyfriend over her Best best. I also think she has an EXTREMELY annoying speaking voice akin to nails on a chalkboard.
But last night's episode of The Hills made me want to hug Heidi and take her out for cosmos. She finally stood up for herself by painting over that slightly-cool-but-highly-innappropriate Hollywood mural that Spencer "surprised" her with.
You should have seen the look on Spencer's face when he walked in. I love the way she made her point to him. "We can decide what to do with this wall together."
He was pissed. But she was completely right. They're living together and are going to get married. (Rumour alert: the engagement is fake!) Spencer has to learn to talk to Heidi about stuff before just jumping in headfirst.
Anyway, she made momma proud last night.
Check out her not-so-terrible single below:
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