Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Sexy M.Fgidget: Prince is going to be doing 21 concerts in London at various venues. He is taking a little break from his Vegas club to do the shows in London. After the marathon London series, he is going to be taking another break ( so i don't know when he will be back performing in Vegas) Why is he taking a break? to study the Bible. No i am not joking, that is what he wants to do. Good for him. The Bible is a big book!

So, Mr. Timberlake is reporting that he will be going back into the studio with Madge. Ugh. He may even sing a duet with The Queen. He claims that "he is a fan....a fan that tricked Madonna".Whatever, she just wants to work with your boyfriend Timberland and you tag along. But please, for the public sake, take a gd break. I am sick of your stupid face!

Rumours are going around that Penelope Cruz and Lenny Kravitz are hooking up. Well, they are spending a lot of time together, so that must mean they are hooking up. Man, Lenny hooks up with anything. But to be fair, so will Penelope.

(Jane Fonda don't care 'cause she is hanging with her boys Dallas Austin and Big Boi).

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