Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Give me a Break!
gidget: so britney performed a little set last night to prove that she is still.....i dunno how to finish that sentence. Anyway, the girl performed for 16 mins! And by perform i mean lip sync every song. At least that is what is being reported. Pictures and clips from the performance are making there way out and here is a short clip of her lip syncing Toxic (which is a kick a** song).

Like, what is the point of this! you're not singing and the dancing is lame. go home and hang with your kids.Practice dancing in your basement, and maybe take some singing lessons. Then after a couple months maybe you can try to perform on stage again. But really, you do not need to. Maybe it is time to hang up the hooker outfits and try something new.

in other news, Madonna did not actually get a new haircut. She just actually styled it. recent pics show her hair looking blonde and wavy. i am glad the colour is the same (i wasn't sure how i felt about her strawberry blonde colour), but i really like the style she had going on in the pic. I think it would have made a very nice haircut. then again, i also loved the bob wig she wore in the jump video.

Jem: Of course you're diggin' on the short hair styles lately, Gidge. You've been talking about cutting your hair short for a while so it makes sense!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.