The thing that is so great about your album Life In Cartoon is that it makes me smile. Every time i listen to it i can not withold my mouth from turning up with glee. i know everyone is in luv with you right now. You are the 'it' artist, but you are just too great that it would be a shame not to shout about you. On
chubby face days, you make me feel a little better. And lets face it, my face is chubby so it is very helpful to have a great album to listen to when my face feels extra chubby. All i gotta do is put the track 'Love Today' on and i prance down the street with glee. I was on the bus and your song 'Big Girl(you are Beautiful)' came on and i just smiled and giggled. Unfort, a woman on the bus did not like the fact that i was smiling so much and was all 'why are you smiling?! wipe that smile off your face.' Luckily her bus stop was way before mine so i could smile again when she got off the bus ( i didn't want her to beat me up or anything). It's funny how some people find smiling so threatening. Oh, and who couldn't love Grace Kelly. It's so great when you sing/plead "why don't you like me? why don't you like me?" who can not relate to liking someone and trying to be whatever it is they like, but alas they never seem to like you. Oh, and i really really want to see you perform live. I heard that it is just the most fun, especially during lollipop.
did i mention that i luv you!

did i mention that i luv you!
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