Wiggin' out
gidget: i didn't take britney long to regret her hair decision. Too bad she couldn't find a nicer wig. I am a little disappointed. I was looking forward to britney showing off her bald head with pride. You know, a real f*** you to the whole beauty myth. i like the string of pearls, keeping it classy.

gidget: i didn't take britney long to regret her hair decision. Too bad she couldn't find a nicer wig. I am a little disappointed. I was looking forward to britney showing off her bald head with pride. You know, a real f*** you to the whole beauty myth. i like the string of pearls, keeping it classy.
Jem: Ha ha ha...I can keep silent on this no longer!!! I just don't understand Britney's behaviour. Especially since she'll be going to court over custody of her kids pretty soon. Maybe it's because I live in the real world that I don't think clubbin' it up without panties makes you a fit mother.
As for the whole shaving her head debaucle, it proves a few things:
1) Britney is still desperate for attention (which, she is getting but none of it is positive);
2) Her hotness was due to the fact that she had long, blonde hair (a favourite amongst the boys); and,
3) She's an emotional wreck!!!
It is too bad that she can't just embrace her decisions (good or bad) . It shows that she really has very little self-esteem. I wonder if she's wearing that wig because her moms totally bawled her out. I heard that she said to the hairdresser who refused to shave her head that her mom was going to be upset. I heard an interview with that hairdresser; it was pretty good. She said that she made sure that Brit's bodyguards knew that she was NOT responsible for shaving Britney's head. Like, what would they do to her? Break her thumbs?
gidget: I still wish she would have worn her bald head with pride.
gidget: I still wish she would have worn her bald head with pride.
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