Boy of the Month
gidget: i have a mad crush on gerard way of My Chemical Romance. How can I not? He is so very dramatic when he performs. The Black parade is so theatrical, and I love musicals, so ofcourse i fell in love with the album. Also, the album features a cameo by Liza Minnelli. Obviously Gerard has an appreciation for the history of musicals. Plus, he ha
s the cutest nose i have ever seen. Yeah that's right, his nose is adorable. He also has crazy cute eyes. Hehehe....i sound like Bop magazine. It's funny 'cause he reminds me of the sort of boy i would have been crushing on when i was 15. I guess my taste hasn't changed as much as I thought it had. It's all good though 'cause Gerard is older than me. Do you want to know a couple of other reasons why gerard is one of my celebrity bf's? Well, in all the interviews i have seen and read he is fairly humble about his fame. He is also very sweet and respectful to his fans. Okay, i know, that is during interviews, but still most "rock stars" are jerks during interviews and act like giant prima donnas. Also, tons of people say he is rather shy off stage, and just full of energy when he performs. I have always had a weakness for boys who are shy face to face, but are crazy dramatic on stage. And yes, i did like his long hair better, but i still think he is cute with short hair. i am just a sucker for long hair, something else i gu
ess i have not grown out of since high school. Plus, everyone needs to change their hair from time to time. i also looovvvee how he cut and dyed his hair to get into charcter for the album. what a drama geek. How sweet does he look to the left on the set of the Ghost Of You video?
So, i got tickets for jem and i to see MCR in may. Woot woot. i am very excited. i really love their new album, and i love shows that are full of energy, and the audience can not help but sing along. i am predicting a very fun trip for jem and i (yeah, that's right, jem and i are going on a mini roadtrip to see them. roadtrips are awesome, so it will be super duper fun). i am so excited about it that i composed a whole post about how great i think gerard is. i am such a geek. But at least i am not one of those people who claims to hate mcr, but secretly loves them. They just think they are too cool to like mcr. sorry hipsters, you can not be too cool for mcr, that's just ridonckulous. Helena is only one the best videos ever. how can you be cooler than that?!

So, i got tickets for jem and i to see MCR in may. Woot woot. i am very excited. i really love their new album, and i love shows that are full of energy, and the audience can not help but sing along. i am predicting a very fun trip for jem and i (yeah, that's right, jem and i are going on a mini roadtrip to see them. roadtrips are awesome, so it will be super duper fun). i am so excited about it that i composed a whole post about how great i think gerard is. i am such a geek. But at least i am not one of those people who claims to hate mcr, but secretly loves them. They just think they are too cool to like mcr. sorry hipsters, you can not be too cool for mcr, that's just ridonckulous. Helena is only one the best videos ever. how can you be cooler than that?!

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