Monday, July 24, 2006

Jem: So, Gidget and I went to see Superman Returns with our super cutie-cutie friend, Miss M. I thought the movie Supersucked!!! There was almost no action, Kate Bosworth sucks as Lois Lane (absolutely NO moxie), and, it turns out, Superman is a deadbeat dad!

I was over it before the whole thing even started...and edit, people!!! Not every movie needs to be as long as childbirth...or as painful as the one last night was.

Ok, that's all I have to say about that right now.

gidget: i was not too impressed either. Like, there was no action. At least no good action. Oh, and Kate Bosawahatever, a paperdoll has more charisma. But i don't think Superman is a deadbeat dad. The summer movies have been a bit of a let down this year, but i still have movies to see. i could not believe how bored i was during Superman. If i had been at home, i would have fallen asleep. Or, shut it off to watch a Friends rerun i have seen 15 times, 'cause it would have be more entertaining. kinda sad.

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