gidget: So last night i had a bad dream. I dreamt that i was staying in some hotel and i suddenly noticed snakes under a chair in the lobby. I freaked out and asked the hotel staff why their were snakes in their hotel. I was then told they were snakes from "Snakes on a Plane" and they were staying there for the next couple days. I was terrified and screamed at the staff saying that they should have informed it's customers of the loose snakes. Then i was attempting to leave, and could not find a way out, and more and more snakes were appearing. It was horrible, and i woke up. I do not think i can even see 'Snakes on a Plane' . I am getting chills down my spine just thinking of all the snakes. oh god.
Jem: Ew. Oh God, Gidget...that is, quite possibly, the scariest dream I've ever heard of!!! I hate snakes!!!
gidget: Seriously! The concept of the movie (although, i do see the humour in it) is terrifying. Snakes......on......a....Plane! i can't handle the idea of it. i hope i never accidently see a preview of it, i will have to close my eyes, and hold my hands over my face till the serpents are off the screen.