Jem: Hugh Jackman was incredibly hawt in Australia. And, like I told Gidget, if we were to make a movie with Hugh Jackman in it, this wouldn't be too far off.
I can just here the convo now...
Jem: Ok, ok...so, he's definitely gotta be a cowboy
Gidget: OMJ! Yes!! And he's really buff! Like 300 buff!
Jem: Yeah! And he's kinda scruffy.
Gidget: Yeah! Because he's really rough around the edges and he gets into fights and stuff because his heart was broken in the past.
Jem: Ooooh! A tortured man! I love it! But can we have a scene to show off his muscles? Like say he's had a hard day and he wants to clean himself up a bit and so he's lathering himself up and then pours water over himself slowly?
Gidget: We absolutely MUST have a scene like that.
Jem: and we should clean him up at one point too. Because Hugh is gorgeous both ways.
Gidget: True! He looks like Cary Grant. Let's set the movie during the 30's and 40's so he can dress well.
Jem: You're a genius!
Now, of course there would be a few minor differences if Gidget and I had ACTUALLY made the movie. There probably be almost NO Nicole Kidman in the movie. And, let's be honest, there would be a scene where Hugh emerges from a swimming pool in slow motion.
Basically, there would be a LOT of water involved.