gidget: what the H. E double hockey sticks did Vogue do to Drew's face?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
This just in: Cute Boys are Cute!
Jem: Ok, this boy is adorable and is made even more so by his "coaching." Don't miss the adorable smile at the end.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
A bit of yummy-ness for Wednesday...
Jem: Milo looks delictable in this new spread for GQ...mama likes!
The Kylie we know and Love!
Jem: Here's our girl! Just the way we remember her. Love, love, love it!
Kylie was on The Hour last night. She looked AMAZING!
Here's Wow!
Gidget: I do like this video! And we all know that i love Kylie. BUT, i do like 'In my Arms' better. Both songs are great and fun to dance too. I just think 'In My Arms' is a killer track.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Mad props...
Jem: Okay, I have a pretty big crush on the JoeFresh label. I think they have a lot of really cute stuff and it's made even better by the super teeny-tiny price tag. It just goes to show that we can have quality for reasonable prices. I think these two looks are pretty adorable. Although, the dress might be a bit tough to wear.
It also reminds me of this interesting piece I saw about how there aren't very many luxury designers left anymore. How houses like Chanel (my once-beloved), Dolce and Gabbana, Versace and Louis Vuitton have become mass produced and marketed nightmares. There's nothing luxury left about them besides the price tag. Hermès is really the only luxury design house left as their products are still handmade and the client is 100% responsible for deciding upon key design elements.
gidget:I am also huge fan of Joe Fresh! I was wearing a dress i got from the Joe Fresh line last summer on Friday night. I love the look of the short jacket with the shorts in the top picture. Model also has great hair, though she is a tad too pale. i am not as much a fan of the pink dress. While i do like the color of the dress, i like dresses to have more structure. The straps are a little too small.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Worst video, ever!
Jem: It doesn't surprise me in the least that Spencer directed this piece of wet garbage. Ew, ew, ew! I mean, it's so super budget and Heidi can't lip-synch at all!!! I honestly couldn't sit through the entire thing. See if you have a stronger stomach than me, Gidge.
Gidget: i just can't do it Jem! it is so bad. why would heidi not make a 'real' video???? it kinda makes me sad :(
Gidget and Jem are BFF's and are confident that they will be friends forever.
They love celebrity gossip and their favourite game is the celebrity husband game.
Gidget and Jem like baseball. They watch games on tv and they go to the ballpark to see the athletes on a regular basis.
Even though they aren't living in the same city anymore, Gidget and Jem keep in touch and visit as often as possible!