Music For Sunday
gidget: i have had this song stuck in my head all day!
Jem: sorry about that Gidget...who knew my Karaoke stylings at the Shanghai would stay with you so long. What a great video, though. I totally forgot how good it is.

I also want to say that i really like katie holmes new haircut. I think she looks cute with her new hair ( and i am NOT a katie holmes fan. Joey Potter was one of the most annoying characters on television). I also think that it is lame that everyone is saying she is just copying Posh. Katie's haircut is much more playful and casual looking. Posh's hair is very symmetrical, and well....posh looking. I also like Posh's hair for the record. Symmetrical hair looks amzing on robots.
Jem: Wow! You weren't kidding about that hair! It is super duper cute! And probably more manageable for a mom. I was watching Dawson's Creek the other day...actually, no, it was Teaching Mrs. Tingle (what!? It was on TV) and I thought "Ha! You're going to marry Tom Cruise and you don't even know it."
If you had told KH that she was going to marry Tommy, she never would have believed you.
I do the same thing when I watch old episodes of Friends. "Oh Monica, you don't even know you're going to marry Chandler." Yes, I'm a nerd.