What the H-E-double hockey sticks?
Jem: Ok, so, Gidget called me the other day and told me about a comment that had been posted on our blog. She said it was about phone sex. So, today I checked it out.
What the eff? Some person said that we can submit articles to him/her about phone sex. Why would someone say that to us? Our blog is about celebrity gossip and cute boys. There is absolutely nothing sexual about it.
So, one of the following things has occurred:
A) the person writing us doesn't fully grasp the English language and a huge miscommunication has happened;
B) the person writing us thinks Gidget and myself are 14 year old girls and is a huge pervert; or,
C) both A and B.
My money's on C.
Why, oh why, would some random person just post a comment on our blog inviting us to provide articles about phone sex? I seriously doubt this person writes for a reputable publication...